Portraits, Pets & Paint

Hello! And welcome to my world,

Ive been reworking my website recently (which is a WHOLE other blog post!) during this process its made me think, how did I end up here? What was my inspiration? Why do I paint? Why do I want to paint things for other people? And LOADS more questions... which has given me loads of ideas for future ramblings... but first, I want to dedicate this one to my very special Grandparents.

I have always wanted to be creating something, be it a painting, a cake, making clothes, interiors, makeup, hair etc... I would have a go at this, try that, have lots of ‘oops that didn’t quite work’ moments!- but I always come back to paint and brushes.

 So when at Christmas 2015 I had a little ‘spending money’ from my Grampy, who loved art, I wanted to get something that I would always remember as being from Grampy. My paints had dried up, my brushes had seen better days, so I bought a set of paints (they were acrylics, I’ve since moved to watercolours, more on this in a future blog) and a few new brushes, and set about painting my first Dog Portraits - our English Springer spaniels - Toby and Lola. I had been thinking how nice it would be to get paintings of them and then it dawned on me that maybe I could do it.. January 2016 I came up with these 2 portraits, and they re-ignited my love for all things painty!

I have since practiced, taken workshops, got a mass of sketchbooks full of hints, tips, techniques. Slowly over the years I have practiced my craft and had the pleasure of painting many pet portraits and commissions for people around the world. (I was bursting with excitement when I shipped my first portrait to America!)

I took these paintings to show Grampy one lunch time, he was there cooking his pork chop - with an egg timer and keeping it warm in the Aga whilst he then did the green beans, then the potatoes  - Grampy never quite got the cooking it all at the same time concept. 

All in the Details

Over a glass of Lemon Barley and the biscuit box, Grampy poured over every detail, we spent time just chatting, discussing paintings that Nana & Grampy had always had hanging - 1 of which I had always thought was a photograph of a cottage garden, I had never really ‘looked’ at it.. My great Aunt Joyce, Grampy’s Sister painted it in 1979, It now hangs proudly above my desk in the studio. 

Grampy really did look at every minute detail with such attention.

There are so many wonderful memories of growing up, spending time with Nana & Grampy, and they fuel my desire to be the best I can and make them proud. Both are now together again, but their memories live on. I use Grampy’s easel, brushes & notebooks daily, and Nana’s kitchen carousel is now in pride of place on my desk, holding all my tools and brushes instead of kitchen gadgets!

Mr Eric Blackmore

On 25th October 2016 Grampy received the highest honour, in the form of the Legion D’honneur, for his part in WW2, making him Sir Grampy.

I have just sent the afternoon looking through my mums digital catalogue of photos (oops.. where did the last few hours go?!) so would love to share a few with you, that really made me smile & maybe made my eyes a bit damp too….

 Thankyou Nana & Grampy. For Everything. 


Pet Portrait photography tips